The first few weeks of welcoming the newest little member of your family can be the hardest but also the most magical. When my past client reached out and shared that they were expecting a baby girl and wanted to get together again for their newborn photos, I was so excited for them and couldn’t’ wait to see them again. Being a New York City Newborn Photographer is one of the greatest joys and I’m so excited to share a few of my favorite images from their in-home newborn session in Brooklyn, NY.
New York Newborn Photographer
When your best friend has a baby, you make sure you take their newborn photos! I still can’t get over that this little miracle baby is here and so happy to be her auntie. I visited this new family of three in their home in New Jersey on a super sunny day which was perfect for capturing their adorable baby girl in her blue and white nursery. Being a new mom is absolutely magical and soaking in every newborn coo, cuddle and cry is worth every sleepless night. It goes by in a flash and before you know it you have a 9-year-old who is growing up way to fast which is why I love capturing newborn photos. These moments are fleeting which feels unfair but making sure to document them means you’ll cherish them forever. Congratulations to my best friend and her new beautiful family. Baby girl you are so loved!
New York City Maternity Photographer
When my couples begin to grow their family, it’s incredible exciting to be asked to come back and photograph their maternity and newborn sessions. Although their little boy is already over one, I wanted to share a few of my favorite images from Ashley and Tim in home maternity session. They are the best parents and I’m honored to capture their family year after year.
For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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New York Newborn Photographer
There’s nothing quite like becoming a new mother and father. For months, you prepare, begin to nest, and once the day finally arrives, it is a true blessing. I’m always honored when I’m asked to document a new family’s life together a few weeks after their baby has arrived. I’m excited to share one of my favorite newborn photo sessions from this past year that took place on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, NYC.
For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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Newborn Photography in Jersey City
I know that I shouldn’t play favorites when it comes to my couples but Kelly and Jared are just that, one of my favorite couples that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. They are kind, thoughtful, and all around wonderful people so when Kelly told me they were going to be parents, I was so excited for them. Not only for them to meet their sweet baby girl but I knew how much photos mean to them as a couple, so I knew I’d be with them for their newborn and milestone sessions. Here are some of my favorite images from their newborn session in their home in New York City.
For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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