In-Home Family Session - NYC Newborn Photographer

The first few weeks of welcoming the newest little member of your family can be the hardest but also the most magical. When my past client reached out and shared that they were expecting a baby girl and wanted to get together again for their newborn photos, I was so excited for them and couldn’t’ wait to see them again. Being a New York City Newborn Photographer is one of the greatest joys and I’m so excited to share a few of my favorite images from their in-home newborn session in Brooklyn, NY.

For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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Newborn Photographer in New York City

Every so often, a little bit of magic happens during a newborn session. The baby is perfectly content and happy all throughout the entire photo shoot. We’re able to easily and effortlessly capture all of the sweet and wonderful new moments as a family of three. This was certainly the case when I visited my client’s beautiful home in Brooklyn for their son’s newborn photo session two weeks after he was born. It was an honor to document the sweetest baby boy with his loving parents.

For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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Newborn Photography in Jersey City

I know that I shouldn’t play favorites when it comes to my couples but Kelly and Jared are just that, one of my favorite couples that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. They are kind, thoughtful, and all around wonderful people so when Kelly told me they were going to be parents, I was so excited for them. Not only for them to meet their sweet baby girl but I knew how much photos mean to them as a couple, so I knew I’d be with them for their newborn and milestone sessions. Here are some of my favorite images from their newborn session in their home in New York City.

For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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Newborn Photographer NYC

It’s always exciting when one of your good friends becomes a parent so I couldn’t be happier for Michelle from Michelle Elaine Weddings to welcome the birth of their first son earlier this year. It’s a true honor to document these incredible and momentous occasions in a family’s new life together. I’m thrilled to share a few newborn photos from their in-home session that were taken in their home in Brooklyn.

For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
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Newborn Photography Photos in Brooklyn

Is it just me or is there nothing sweeter than a newborn baby with their parents? Everyone is just starting to get settled into their new routines (or lack thereof!) and figure out how to navigate this new world as a family of three, four, or even five! I’m so excited to share a few of my favorite photos from my couples in-home lifestyle newborn session at their home in Brooklyn, NY. It was an absolute honor to document their new sweet baby boy and I cannot wait to see him grow up!

For details on booking your maternity, newborn, or family session, please visit our contact page
stay connected! follow jainé kershner photography on Instagram and Facebook and sign up for our newsletter